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  • Ian Marcus Wright

Scot business can't compete with goods shipped from other side of the world

Food producers in Scotland have sent a warning letter to the UK Trade Secretary expressing their outrage over the free trade deal with Australia.

"Without the buffer of an import tax, we can't compete on price," said farmer Francis Hutcheson, despite the fact that Australian meat pays to be shipped nine thousand, four hundred and forty-three miles and his farm is eight miles outside Glasgow.

Similar concerns have been raised by the whisky sector, where a five percent tariff set to be scrapped.

"This is a nightmare," said distillery owner James Beattie. "Everyone knows Australian whiskey is famously the best, while Scottish whisky is completely unknown on the international stage. They've got an extra e in it and everything."

Supermarket patrons have reported concern as pre-packaged Australian burgers come with a slice of beetroot already between the buns.

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